PolliNation – Phase 2, 2023- present
This project started in the gallery with seed bombs in the form of an American Flag. Now it has an ongoing life as a pollinator planting in Mercer Conunty.
Materials: Seed bombs – clays, worm casting compost, seeds for flowering plants and grasses that flourish in Kentucky and that attract, feed and thrive in collaboration with pollinators, both wild and domestic.
Size: 30′ wide by 57′ long
Images below show the stages of preparing the plot, layout, planting, weeding/tending, growth, dormancy, and continued growth and tending, all in various seasons (see captions). From most recent to oldest…
Blooming and soft. Uneven growth.
Blooming and soft. Uneven growth.
Blooming and soft. Uneven growth.
Blooming and soft. Uneven growth.
Plants growing but weedy
Plants growing. Post weeding
Seed bombs placed – stars and stripes
Seed bombs crushed into place
Seeds under snow
Seed bombs placed – stars and stripes
Pull back solarization plastic
Layout flay element dimensions
Solarization cover at work in the hot summer sun
Solarization successfully burning growth
Trenches ready to receive solarization plastic
Plastic edges in trench, ready to be covered
Solarization plastic tucked into trench
Site, pre-solarization